Una iniciativa muy interesante de Rick Hess, Director de Education
Policy Studies en American Enterprise Institute en Washington DC, de
rankear el impacto público de los academicos en EEUU que trabajan en
políticas educacionales. Utiliza los siguientes metricas: (1) Puntaje
en Google Scholar; (2) Puntaje de libros; (3) Amazon book rating; (4)
Menciones en la prensa educacional; (5) Menciones en los blogs; (6)
Menciones en los diarios; (6) Menciones en los archivos del Congreso
(ej. presentaciones en la comisión de educación). Linda Darling
Hammond, Diane Ravitch, Eric Hanushek y Larry Cuban son los top 4.
Sería interesante replicar el ranking de Hess en Chile y otros países en
América Latina.
RHSU Exclusive: The Five-Tool Policy Scholar
By Rick Hess on January 3, 2012 7:51 AM
Tomorrow in this space, I'll be publishing the 2012 RHSU Edu-Scholar
Public Presence Rankings. Today, just like last year, I want to take a
few moments to explain what those ratings are about and how they were
The exercise starts from two simple premises: 1] ideas matter and 2]
people tend to devote more time and energy to those activities which are
acknowledged and lauded. The academy today does a passable job of
recognizing good disciplinary scholarship but a pretty mediocre job of
recognizing scholars who effectively help to move ideas from the pages
of barely-read journals into the national conversation around schools
and schooling. This state of affairs may work fine when it comes to the
study of material science or Renaissance poetry, but it doesn't cut it
for those wanting to encourage social scientists with something to say
to wade responsibly into public debates.
In baseball, the ideal is the "five-tool" ballplayer. This is a player
who can run, field, throw, hit, and hit with power. A terrific
ballplayer might excel at just a couple of these, but there's a special
appreciation for those with a full suite of skills.
Among scholars who do policy-relevant research, there's an analogous
need for us to do a much better job appreciating scholars who do more
than publish opaque articles in niche journals, sit on committees, and
serve as officials in professional associations. To my mind, the engaged
policy scholar is a "five-tooler" in her own right.
As I see it, the extraordinary policy scholar excels in five areas:
disciplinary scholarship, policy analysis and popular writing, convening
and quarterbacking collaborations, providing incisive media commentary,
and speaking in the public square. It's the scholars who are skilled in
most or all of these areas who can cross boundaries, foster crucial
collaborations, and bring research into the world of policy in smart and
useful ways. The academy, though, treats many of these skills as an
afterthought--if not an outright blemish on a scholar's record! And
while foundations fund evaluations, convenings, policy analysis, and
dissemination, few make any particular effort to develop multi-skilled
scholars or support this whole panoply of activity.
Today, academe offers big professional rewards for scholars who stay in
their comfort zone while pursuing narrow, hyper-sophisticated research,
but little recognition, acknowledgment, or support for scholars who
operate as "five-tool" scholars. One result is that the public square is
filled by impassioned advocates, while we hear far less than I'd like
from those who are more versed in the research and equipped to recognize
complexities and explain hard truths. Now, one can hardly blame those
academics who seek to avoid the unpleasantness by remaining swaddled in
the pleasant irrelevance of the ivory tower. After all, wading into the
public debate can anger friends and call forth vituperative personal
attacks. One small way to encourage academics to step into the fray and
to push back on the academic norms fueling the status quo is, I think,
to do more to recognize the value of engaging in public discourse and
the scholars who do so.
With that aim, tomorrow's Edu-Scholar rankings offer one way to gauge
whether and how scholars are impacting the public discourse. The scores
really reflect three things: the influence of a scholar's articles and
academic scholarship, their body of work when it comes to books, and
their impact on conversation as reflected in old and new media. Broadly
speaking, the scores generally draw about 40 percent on scholarly
influence in terms of bodies of work and citation counts, 25 percent on
book authorship and current book success, and about 35 percent on
presence in new and old media.
Readers will note that the rankings do not address things like teaching,
mentoring, and community service. Such is the nature of things. These
scores are not imagined as a summative measure of a scholar's
contribution to teaching and knowledge. Rather, they are a counterpart
to traditional publication-heavy measures of research productivity.
Those results tell us something, but don't offer much insight into how
scholars in a field of public concern are influencing thinking and the
national discourse. These results are designed to say more on that score.
The RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Presence Scoring Rubric
We opted to employ metrics that are publicly available, readily
comparable, and replicable by third parties. This obviously limits the
nuance and sophistication of the measures. The scoring is determined as
Google Scholar Score: This figure gauges the number of articles, books,
or papers a scholar has authored that are widely cited. A neat, commonly
used technique for measuring breadth and impact is to tally the
scholar's works in descending order of how often each is cited, and then
to identify the point at which the number of works is finally exceeded
by the cite count for the least-frequently cited article. For instance,
a scholar who had 10 works that were each cited at least 10 times, but
whose 11th most-frequently cited work was cited just 9 times, would
score a ten. A scholar who had 27 works cited at least 50 times, but
whose 28th work was cited 27 times or fewer, would receive a 27. An
assistant professor will typically have a number in the low single
digits, while veteran scholars may score a 40 or higher. This reflects
the fact that bodies of work matter, by influencing what others think
and how issues are understood. By design, this bias favors veteran
scholars. The search was conducted on December 20-21, 2011, using the
scholar's name under the "author" filter in an advanced search in Google
Scholar, with the search limited to the "Business, Administration,
Finance, and Economics" and "Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities"
categories. A hand-search culled out works by other, similarly named,
individuals. While Google Scholar has its flaws and is less precise than
more specialized citation databases for such a search, it has the
virtues of being multidisciplinary and publicly accessible. This
category ultimately counted the most--amounting to between 25 percent
and 60 percent of the score for most scholars--as it's a quick way to
gauge both the expanse and influence of a scholar's body of work.
Book Points: An author search on Amazon was used to tally the number of
books a scholar had authored, co-authored, or edited. Scholars received
2 points for a single-authored book, 1 point for a co-authored book in
which they were the lead author, a half-point for co-authored books
where they were not the lead author, and a half-point for any edited
volume. The search was conducted using an "Advanced Books Search" for
the scholar's first and last name. (On a few occasions, a middle initial
or middle name was used to avoid duplications with authors who had the
same name, e.g. "David Cohen" became "David K. Cohen," and "Deborah
Ball" became "Deborah Loewenberg Ball.") The "format" searched "Printed
Books" so as to avoid double-counting books which are also available as
e-books. This obviously means that books released only as e-books are
omitted. However, circa 2011, that seemed a modest price to avoid
double-counting and to maximize accuracy (given that very few relevant
books, as of yet, are released only as e-books; this is likely to change
in fairly short order.) In each category, a hand-search sought to guard
against double-counting and to ensure an accurate score.
Amazon-available reports and articles were excluded, as was any source
listed as "out of print"--only published, available books were included.
The search was conducted December 20-21. The high score in this category
was 37.5, but most scholars scored between zero and 20.
Highest Amazon Ranking: The author's highest-ranked book on Amazon, as
of December 20-21. The highest-ranked book was subtracted from 400,000,
and that figure was divided by 20,000 to derive a point total of
somewhere between zero and 20. This score, due to the nature of Amazon's
ranking algorithm, is fairly volatile and biased in favor of more recent
works. For instance, a book may have been very influential in the 1990s,
impacting citation counts and the likelihood that a scholar is quoted in
newspapers, but may not produce points in this category in 2011. The
result is a decidedly imperfect way to gauge the impact of books, but
one that conveys real information. To that point, many of the books that
have stoked public discussion in the past few years fared relatively
well. About a third of the scholars examined, including fifteen of the
top twenty, scored points in this category.
Education Press Mentions: The total number of times the scholar was
quoted or mentioned in Education Week or the Chronicle of Higher
Education between January 1 and December 20-21. The search was conducted
using each scholar's first and last name. To norm the value of this
category, the total number of appearances was divided by 2 to calculate
Ed Press points. Scores in this category ranged from zero to 41.5, with
most falling between zero and ten.
Blog Mentions: Based on a search using Google Blogs, this reflects the
number of times a scholar was quoted, mentioned, or otherwise discussed
in blogs between January 1 and December 20-21. The search was conducted
using each scholar's name, plus their affiliation (e.g. "Bill Smith" and
"Rutgers"). Requiring university affiliation serves a dual purpose:
avoiding confusion due to common names while ensuring that scores aren't
padded by a scholar's blog posts (which generally don't identify a
scholar by affiliation). If bloggers are provoking discussion, the
figures will reflect that. If a scholar is mentioned sans affiliation,
that mention is omitted here; but that's true across-the-board. If
anything, that probably tamps down the scores of well-known scholars for
whom university affiliation may seem unnecessary. Especially since the
Ravitches, Hanusheks, Arums, and Darling-Hammonds still fare just fine,
I'm good with that. Because blogging can tend towards the informal, the
blog search also included the most common diminutive for a given scholar
(e.g., "Rick Hanushek" as well as "Eric Hanushek;" "Pat McGuinn" as well
as "Patrick McGuinn"). To norm the value of this category, points were
calculated by dividing the total number of mentions by four. We also
chose to cap the scores at 50 points to ensure that the rankings
recognize impactful contributions without allowing the blog metric to
overwhelm the other metrics. Twelve scholars hit the 50 point cap, but
the vast majority of scholars scored between zero and 20.
Newspaper Mentions: Based on a search using Lexis Nexis, the number of
times a scholar was quoted or mentioned in U.S. newspapers between
January 1 and December 20-21. Like Blog Mentions, the search was
conducted using each scholar's name plus their affiliation. To norm the
value of this category, points were calculated by dividing the total
number of mentions by four. Scores ranged from zero to 26.8, with most
falling between zero and ten.
Congressional Record Mentions: We conducted a simple name search in the
Congressional Record for 2011 to determine whether a given scholar was
called to testify or if their work was referenced by a member of
Congress. The reference or testimony had to have occurred on or before
December 21. If a scholar was included in either capacity, they received
five points in this category.
There are obviously lots of provisos in making sense of the results.
Different disciplines approach books and articles differently. Scholars
of K-12 and higher education may have different opportunities to engage
in the public square. Senior scholars have obviously had more of a
chance to build a body of work.
Moreover, some readers may have more use for some of these categories
than for others. That's fine. The whole point is to encourage discussion
and debate about the nature of responsible public engagement, who's
doing a particularly good job of it, how much these things matter, and
how to accurately measure a policy scholar's contribution.
Two questions sure to arise: Can somebody game this rubric? Am I
concerned that this exercise will encourage academics to chase
publicity? As for gaming, I'm not at all concerned. If scholars (against
all odds) are motivated to write more relevant articles, pen more books
that might sell, or be more aggressive about communicating their ideas
and research in an accessible fashion, I think that's great. That's not
"gaming," it's just good public scholarship. As for academics working
harder to communicate beyond the academy--well, there's obviously a
point where public engagement becomes sleazy P.R., but most academics
are so immensely far from there that I'm not unduly concerned.
A final note. Tomorrow's rankings will feature 121 university-based
edu-scholars who are widely regarded as having some public presence.
However, this list is not intended to be exhaustive. There are many
other faculty addressing public questions of education or education
policy, and some of them may grade out quite highly on these metrics.
Tomorrow's scores are for a prominent cross-section of faculty, from
various disciplines, institutions, generations, and areas of inquiry.
For those interested in scoring additional scholars, it should be
straightforward to do so using the rubric sketched above. Indeed, the
exercise was designed so that anyone with an Internet connection can
generate a comparative rating for a given scholar in no more than 15-20
minutes. (At this end, for his assiduous labor and invaluable advice on
how to pull this together, I owe a big shout-out to my indefatigable and
eagle-eyed research assistant, Daniel Lautzenheiser. I also want to give
a shout-out to his colleagues Becky King and Taryn Hochleitner).
The 2012 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Presence Rankings
By Rick Hess on January 4, 2012 7:46 AM
Today, RHSU unveils the 2012 Edu-Scholar Public Presence rankings. The
metrics, as explained yesterday, are designed to recognize those
university-based academics who are contributing most substantially to
public debates about schools and schooling. The rankings offer a useful,
if imperfect, gauge of the public impact edu-scholars had in 2011,
factoring in both long-term and shorter-term contributions. The rubric
reflects both a scholar's body of academic work--encompassing books,
articles, and the degree to which these are cited--and their 2011
footprint on the public discourse. The following table reports the 2012
Rankings were restricted to university-based researchers and excluded
think tankers (e.g. Checker Finn or Russ Whitehurst) whose job is more
focused on influencing the public discourse. After all, the intent is to
nudge what is rewarded and recognized at universities. (The term
"university-based" provides a bit of useful flexibility. For instance,
Tom Kane currently hangs his hat at Gates, and Tony Bryk his at
Carnegie. However, both are established academics who retain a
university affiliation and campus digs. So they're included.)
The scores reflect, in roughly equal parts, three things: articles and
academic scholarship, book authorship and current book success, and
presence in new and old media. (See yesterday's post for the specifics.)
The point of measuring quotes and blog presence is not to tally sound
bites but to harness a "wisdom of crowds" sense of a scholar's footprint
on the public debate--whether that's due to their current scholarship,
commentary, larger body of work, media presence, or whatnot. We worked
hard to be careful and consistent, but there were inevitable challenges
in determining search parameters, dealing with common names or quirky
diminutives, and so forth. Bottom line: this is a serious but inevitably
imperfect attempt to nudge universities, foundations, and professional
associations to consider the merits of doing more to cultivate,
encourage, and recognize contributions to the public debate.
The top scorers? All are familiar edu-names, with long careers featuring
influential scholarship, track records of comment on public
developments, and outsized public and professional roles. In order, the
top five were Linda Darling-Hammond, Diane Ravitch, Eric Hanushek, Larry
Cuban, and Richard Arum. Darling-Hammond and Ravitch lapped the field,
cracking 200 points on a scale where only a handful of scholars topped
100. Rounding out the top ten were Terry Moe, Paul Peterson, Pedro
Noguera, Daniel Koretz, and David Cohen. Notable, if not too surprising,
is that the top ten are all veteran, accomplished scholars. This
reflects the nature of the scoring, which heavily weights the influence
of a scholar's body of work and not simply whether a scholar collected a
bunch of press clippings or blog mentions in 2011.
Stanford University fared very well, claiming three of the top five
scholars (and six of the top fifteen). Harvard University claimed four
of the top fifteen, and NYU claimed another three.
By category: Darling-Hammond posted the top Google Scholar score, at 83;
Cuban topped the books category at 37.5; Ravitch topped the Amazon
rankings with a 19.7; she also posted the high score in the education
press category, at 41.5; twelve scholars topped the blog mentions by
maxing out at 50 points (although, without the cap, Hanushek would have
taken the prize quite handily); and Arum topped the general press
mentions with a 26.8.
A number of top scorers, like Ravitch, have books of recent vintage. For
instance, among the top ten, just in the past two years, Moe published
Special Interest, his unflinching critique of teacher unions;
Darling-Hammond published The Flat World and Education; Peterson
published Saving Schools; Cohen published Teaching and Its Predicaments;
and Noguera published Creating the Opportunity to Learn. And Arum
doubtless benefited from the continuing outsized impact of his oft-cited
Academically Adrift.
As with any such ranking, this exercise ought to be interpreted with
appropriate caveats and caution. That said, it's revealing that a number
of sober, less-controversial scholars--like Arum, Cohen, Dan Koretz, and
Bob Pianta--dotted the top twenty. Meanwhile, less senior scholars who
punched above their weight included Roland Fryer, Sara Goldrick-Rab, and
Patrick McGuinn.
Given that professional norms vary (note that few economists crack the
top twenty), it's interesting to eyeball the results discipline by
discipline (admittedly, there's a bit of fuzziness when it comes to
pigeonholing some scholars). The top-ranked economists were Hanushek,
Hoxby, Roland Fryer, Hank Levin, and Tom Kane. The top-ranked political
scientists were Moe, Peterson, Richard Elmore, Mike Kirst, and Bruce
Fuller. The top-scoring sociologists were Arum, Noguera, Gary Orfield,
Adam Gamoran, and Tony Bryk. Top scorers in the area of teacher
education and curriculum and instruction were Darling-Hammond, Gloria
Ladson-Billings, David Berliner, Ken Zeichner, and Carol Tomlinson.
The emphasis accorded to an established body of work advantages senior
scholars at the expense of junior academics. And, given that the ratings
are a snapshot of 2011, the results obviously favor scholars who
recently penned a successful book or big-impact study this year. But
both of these also accurately reflect how thinkers can
disproportionately impact public discussion--so I'm disinclined to see
problems in such a "bias."
There's also the challenge posed by bloggers like Jay Greene,
Goldrick-Rab, Bruce Baker, and Sherman Dorn, whose own blogging or think
tank critiques mean that they are publishing with great frequency. The
key: the aim was not to measure how much a scholar writes, but how much
resonance their work has. Flagging blog entries and newspaper mentions
in which a scholar is identified by university affiliation here serves a
dual purpose: avoiding confusion caused by common names while also
ensuring that scores aren't unduly padded by a scholar's own blogging
(since those posts generally don't include an affiliation). If bloggers
are provoking discussion, the figures will reflect that. If a scholar is
mentioned sans affiliation, that mention is omitted here; but that's
true across-the-board. If anything, that probably tamps down the scores
of well-known scholars for whom university affiliation may seem
unnecessary. C'est la vie.
If readers want to argue the relevance, construction, reliability, or
validity of the metrics, I'll be happy as a clam. I'm not sure that I've
got the measures right, that categories have been normed in the smartest
ways, or even how much these results can or should tell us. That said, I
think the same can be said about U.S. News college rankings, NFL
quarterback ratings, or international scorecards of human rights. For
all their imperfections, I think such efforts convey real
information--and help to spark useful discussion. That's what I've
sought to do here.
I'd welcome suggestions regarding possible improvements--whether that
entails adding or subtracting metrics, devising smarter approaches to
norming, or what have you. I'd welcome critiques, concerns, questions,
and suggestions. Take a look, and have at it.
Gregory Elacqua
Instituto de Políticas Publicas
Facultad de Economía y Empresa
Universidad Diego Portales
Ejército 260
Policy Studies en American Enterprise Institute en Washington DC, de
rankear el impacto público de los academicos en EEUU que trabajan en
políticas educacionales. Utiliza los siguientes metricas: (1) Puntaje
en Google Scholar; (2) Puntaje de libros; (3) Amazon book rating; (4)
Menciones en la prensa educacional; (5) Menciones en los blogs; (6)
Menciones en los diarios; (6) Menciones en los archivos del Congreso
(ej. presentaciones en la comisión de educación). Linda Darling
Hammond, Diane Ravitch, Eric Hanushek y Larry Cuban son los top 4.
Sería interesante replicar el ranking de Hess en Chile y otros países en
América Latina.
RHSU Exclusive: The Five-Tool Policy Scholar
By Rick Hess on January 3, 2012 7:51 AM
Tomorrow in this space, I'll be publishing the 2012 RHSU Edu-Scholar
Public Presence Rankings. Today, just like last year, I want to take a
few moments to explain what those ratings are about and how they were
The exercise starts from two simple premises: 1] ideas matter and 2]
people tend to devote more time and energy to those activities which are
acknowledged and lauded. The academy today does a passable job of
recognizing good disciplinary scholarship but a pretty mediocre job of
recognizing scholars who effectively help to move ideas from the pages
of barely-read journals into the national conversation around schools
and schooling. This state of affairs may work fine when it comes to the
study of material science or Renaissance poetry, but it doesn't cut it
for those wanting to encourage social scientists with something to say
to wade responsibly into public debates.
In baseball, the ideal is the "five-tool" ballplayer. This is a player
who can run, field, throw, hit, and hit with power. A terrific
ballplayer might excel at just a couple of these, but there's a special
appreciation for those with a full suite of skills.
Among scholars who do policy-relevant research, there's an analogous
need for us to do a much better job appreciating scholars who do more
than publish opaque articles in niche journals, sit on committees, and
serve as officials in professional associations. To my mind, the engaged
policy scholar is a "five-tooler" in her own right.
As I see it, the extraordinary policy scholar excels in five areas:
disciplinary scholarship, policy analysis and popular writing, convening
and quarterbacking collaborations, providing incisive media commentary,
and speaking in the public square. It's the scholars who are skilled in
most or all of these areas who can cross boundaries, foster crucial
collaborations, and bring research into the world of policy in smart and
useful ways. The academy, though, treats many of these skills as an
afterthought--if not an outright blemish on a scholar's record! And
while foundations fund evaluations, convenings, policy analysis, and
dissemination, few make any particular effort to develop multi-skilled
scholars or support this whole panoply of activity.
Today, academe offers big professional rewards for scholars who stay in
their comfort zone while pursuing narrow, hyper-sophisticated research,
but little recognition, acknowledgment, or support for scholars who
operate as "five-tool" scholars. One result is that the public square is
filled by impassioned advocates, while we hear far less than I'd like
from those who are more versed in the research and equipped to recognize
complexities and explain hard truths. Now, one can hardly blame those
academics who seek to avoid the unpleasantness by remaining swaddled in
the pleasant irrelevance of the ivory tower. After all, wading into the
public debate can anger friends and call forth vituperative personal
attacks. One small way to encourage academics to step into the fray and
to push back on the academic norms fueling the status quo is, I think,
to do more to recognize the value of engaging in public discourse and
the scholars who do so.
With that aim, tomorrow's Edu-Scholar rankings offer one way to gauge
whether and how scholars are impacting the public discourse. The scores
really reflect three things: the influence of a scholar's articles and
academic scholarship, their body of work when it comes to books, and
their impact on conversation as reflected in old and new media. Broadly
speaking, the scores generally draw about 40 percent on scholarly
influence in terms of bodies of work and citation counts, 25 percent on
book authorship and current book success, and about 35 percent on
presence in new and old media.
Readers will note that the rankings do not address things like teaching,
mentoring, and community service. Such is the nature of things. These
scores are not imagined as a summative measure of a scholar's
contribution to teaching and knowledge. Rather, they are a counterpart
to traditional publication-heavy measures of research productivity.
Those results tell us something, but don't offer much insight into how
scholars in a field of public concern are influencing thinking and the
national discourse. These results are designed to say more on that score.
The RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Presence Scoring Rubric
We opted to employ metrics that are publicly available, readily
comparable, and replicable by third parties. This obviously limits the
nuance and sophistication of the measures. The scoring is determined as
Google Scholar Score: This figure gauges the number of articles, books,
or papers a scholar has authored that are widely cited. A neat, commonly
used technique for measuring breadth and impact is to tally the
scholar's works in descending order of how often each is cited, and then
to identify the point at which the number of works is finally exceeded
by the cite count for the least-frequently cited article. For instance,
a scholar who had 10 works that were each cited at least 10 times, but
whose 11th most-frequently cited work was cited just 9 times, would
score a ten. A scholar who had 27 works cited at least 50 times, but
whose 28th work was cited 27 times or fewer, would receive a 27. An
assistant professor will typically have a number in the low single
digits, while veteran scholars may score a 40 or higher. This reflects
the fact that bodies of work matter, by influencing what others think
and how issues are understood. By design, this bias favors veteran
scholars. The search was conducted on December 20-21, 2011, using the
scholar's name under the "author" filter in an advanced search in Google
Scholar, with the search limited to the "Business, Administration,
Finance, and Economics" and "Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities"
categories. A hand-search culled out works by other, similarly named,
individuals. While Google Scholar has its flaws and is less precise than
more specialized citation databases for such a search, it has the
virtues of being multidisciplinary and publicly accessible. This
category ultimately counted the most--amounting to between 25 percent
and 60 percent of the score for most scholars--as it's a quick way to
gauge both the expanse and influence of a scholar's body of work.
Book Points: An author search on Amazon was used to tally the number of
books a scholar had authored, co-authored, or edited. Scholars received
2 points for a single-authored book, 1 point for a co-authored book in
which they were the lead author, a half-point for co-authored books
where they were not the lead author, and a half-point for any edited
volume. The search was conducted using an "Advanced Books Search" for
the scholar's first and last name. (On a few occasions, a middle initial
or middle name was used to avoid duplications with authors who had the
same name, e.g. "David Cohen" became "David K. Cohen," and "Deborah
Ball" became "Deborah Loewenberg Ball.") The "format" searched "Printed
Books" so as to avoid double-counting books which are also available as
e-books. This obviously means that books released only as e-books are
omitted. However, circa 2011, that seemed a modest price to avoid
double-counting and to maximize accuracy (given that very few relevant
books, as of yet, are released only as e-books; this is likely to change
in fairly short order.) In each category, a hand-search sought to guard
against double-counting and to ensure an accurate score.
Amazon-available reports and articles were excluded, as was any source
listed as "out of print"--only published, available books were included.
The search was conducted December 20-21. The high score in this category
was 37.5, but most scholars scored between zero and 20.
Highest Amazon Ranking: The author's highest-ranked book on Amazon, as
of December 20-21. The highest-ranked book was subtracted from 400,000,
and that figure was divided by 20,000 to derive a point total of
somewhere between zero and 20. This score, due to the nature of Amazon's
ranking algorithm, is fairly volatile and biased in favor of more recent
works. For instance, a book may have been very influential in the 1990s,
impacting citation counts and the likelihood that a scholar is quoted in
newspapers, but may not produce points in this category in 2011. The
result is a decidedly imperfect way to gauge the impact of books, but
one that conveys real information. To that point, many of the books that
have stoked public discussion in the past few years fared relatively
well. About a third of the scholars examined, including fifteen of the
top twenty, scored points in this category.
Education Press Mentions: The total number of times the scholar was
quoted or mentioned in Education Week or the Chronicle of Higher
Education between January 1 and December 20-21. The search was conducted
using each scholar's first and last name. To norm the value of this
category, the total number of appearances was divided by 2 to calculate
Ed Press points. Scores in this category ranged from zero to 41.5, with
most falling between zero and ten.
Blog Mentions: Based on a search using Google Blogs, this reflects the
number of times a scholar was quoted, mentioned, or otherwise discussed
in blogs between January 1 and December 20-21. The search was conducted
using each scholar's name, plus their affiliation (e.g. "Bill Smith" and
"Rutgers"). Requiring university affiliation serves a dual purpose:
avoiding confusion due to common names while ensuring that scores aren't
padded by a scholar's blog posts (which generally don't identify a
scholar by affiliation). If bloggers are provoking discussion, the
figures will reflect that. If a scholar is mentioned sans affiliation,
that mention is omitted here; but that's true across-the-board. If
anything, that probably tamps down the scores of well-known scholars for
whom university affiliation may seem unnecessary. Especially since the
Ravitches, Hanusheks, Arums, and Darling-Hammonds still fare just fine,
I'm good with that. Because blogging can tend towards the informal, the
blog search also included the most common diminutive for a given scholar
(e.g., "Rick Hanushek" as well as "Eric Hanushek;" "Pat McGuinn" as well
as "Patrick McGuinn"). To norm the value of this category, points were
calculated by dividing the total number of mentions by four. We also
chose to cap the scores at 50 points to ensure that the rankings
recognize impactful contributions without allowing the blog metric to
overwhelm the other metrics. Twelve scholars hit the 50 point cap, but
the vast majority of scholars scored between zero and 20.
Newspaper Mentions: Based on a search using Lexis Nexis, the number of
times a scholar was quoted or mentioned in U.S. newspapers between
January 1 and December 20-21. Like Blog Mentions, the search was
conducted using each scholar's name plus their affiliation. To norm the
value of this category, points were calculated by dividing the total
number of mentions by four. Scores ranged from zero to 26.8, with most
falling between zero and ten.
Congressional Record Mentions: We conducted a simple name search in the
Congressional Record for 2011 to determine whether a given scholar was
called to testify or if their work was referenced by a member of
Congress. The reference or testimony had to have occurred on or before
December 21. If a scholar was included in either capacity, they received
five points in this category.
There are obviously lots of provisos in making sense of the results.
Different disciplines approach books and articles differently. Scholars
of K-12 and higher education may have different opportunities to engage
in the public square. Senior scholars have obviously had more of a
chance to build a body of work.
Moreover, some readers may have more use for some of these categories
than for others. That's fine. The whole point is to encourage discussion
and debate about the nature of responsible public engagement, who's
doing a particularly good job of it, how much these things matter, and
how to accurately measure a policy scholar's contribution.
Two questions sure to arise: Can somebody game this rubric? Am I
concerned that this exercise will encourage academics to chase
publicity? As for gaming, I'm not at all concerned. If scholars (against
all odds) are motivated to write more relevant articles, pen more books
that might sell, or be more aggressive about communicating their ideas
and research in an accessible fashion, I think that's great. That's not
"gaming," it's just good public scholarship. As for academics working
harder to communicate beyond the academy--well, there's obviously a
point where public engagement becomes sleazy P.R., but most academics
are so immensely far from there that I'm not unduly concerned.
A final note. Tomorrow's rankings will feature 121 university-based
edu-scholars who are widely regarded as having some public presence.
However, this list is not intended to be exhaustive. There are many
other faculty addressing public questions of education or education
policy, and some of them may grade out quite highly on these metrics.
Tomorrow's scores are for a prominent cross-section of faculty, from
various disciplines, institutions, generations, and areas of inquiry.
For those interested in scoring additional scholars, it should be
straightforward to do so using the rubric sketched above. Indeed, the
exercise was designed so that anyone with an Internet connection can
generate a comparative rating for a given scholar in no more than 15-20
minutes. (At this end, for his assiduous labor and invaluable advice on
how to pull this together, I owe a big shout-out to my indefatigable and
eagle-eyed research assistant, Daniel Lautzenheiser. I also want to give
a shout-out to his colleagues Becky King and Taryn Hochleitner).
The 2012 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Presence Rankings
By Rick Hess on January 4, 2012 7:46 AM
Today, RHSU unveils the 2012 Edu-Scholar Public Presence rankings. The
metrics, as explained yesterday, are designed to recognize those
university-based academics who are contributing most substantially to
public debates about schools and schooling. The rankings offer a useful,
if imperfect, gauge of the public impact edu-scholars had in 2011,
factoring in both long-term and shorter-term contributions. The rubric
reflects both a scholar's body of academic work--encompassing books,
articles, and the degree to which these are cited--and their 2011
footprint on the public discourse. The following table reports the 2012
Rankings were restricted to university-based researchers and excluded
think tankers (e.g. Checker Finn or Russ Whitehurst) whose job is more
focused on influencing the public discourse. After all, the intent is to
nudge what is rewarded and recognized at universities. (The term
"university-based" provides a bit of useful flexibility. For instance,
Tom Kane currently hangs his hat at Gates, and Tony Bryk his at
Carnegie. However, both are established academics who retain a
university affiliation and campus digs. So they're included.)
The scores reflect, in roughly equal parts, three things: articles and
academic scholarship, book authorship and current book success, and
presence in new and old media. (See yesterday's post for the specifics.)
The point of measuring quotes and blog presence is not to tally sound
bites but to harness a "wisdom of crowds" sense of a scholar's footprint
on the public debate--whether that's due to their current scholarship,
commentary, larger body of work, media presence, or whatnot. We worked
hard to be careful and consistent, but there were inevitable challenges
in determining search parameters, dealing with common names or quirky
diminutives, and so forth. Bottom line: this is a serious but inevitably
imperfect attempt to nudge universities, foundations, and professional
associations to consider the merits of doing more to cultivate,
encourage, and recognize contributions to the public debate.
The top scorers? All are familiar edu-names, with long careers featuring
influential scholarship, track records of comment on public
developments, and outsized public and professional roles. In order, the
top five were Linda Darling-Hammond, Diane Ravitch, Eric Hanushek, Larry
Cuban, and Richard Arum. Darling-Hammond and Ravitch lapped the field,
cracking 200 points on a scale where only a handful of scholars topped
100. Rounding out the top ten were Terry Moe, Paul Peterson, Pedro
Noguera, Daniel Koretz, and David Cohen. Notable, if not too surprising,
is that the top ten are all veteran, accomplished scholars. This
reflects the nature of the scoring, which heavily weights the influence
of a scholar's body of work and not simply whether a scholar collected a
bunch of press clippings or blog mentions in 2011.
Stanford University fared very well, claiming three of the top five
scholars (and six of the top fifteen). Harvard University claimed four
of the top fifteen, and NYU claimed another three.
By category: Darling-Hammond posted the top Google Scholar score, at 83;
Cuban topped the books category at 37.5; Ravitch topped the Amazon
rankings with a 19.7; she also posted the high score in the education
press category, at 41.5; twelve scholars topped the blog mentions by
maxing out at 50 points (although, without the cap, Hanushek would have
taken the prize quite handily); and Arum topped the general press
mentions with a 26.8.
A number of top scorers, like Ravitch, have books of recent vintage. For
instance, among the top ten, just in the past two years, Moe published
Special Interest, his unflinching critique of teacher unions;
Darling-Hammond published The Flat World and Education; Peterson
published Saving Schools; Cohen published Teaching and Its Predicaments;
and Noguera published Creating the Opportunity to Learn. And Arum
doubtless benefited from the continuing outsized impact of his oft-cited
Academically Adrift.
As with any such ranking, this exercise ought to be interpreted with
appropriate caveats and caution. That said, it's revealing that a number
of sober, less-controversial scholars--like Arum, Cohen, Dan Koretz, and
Bob Pianta--dotted the top twenty. Meanwhile, less senior scholars who
punched above their weight included Roland Fryer, Sara Goldrick-Rab, and
Patrick McGuinn.
Given that professional norms vary (note that few economists crack the
top twenty), it's interesting to eyeball the results discipline by
discipline (admittedly, there's a bit of fuzziness when it comes to
pigeonholing some scholars). The top-ranked economists were Hanushek,
Hoxby, Roland Fryer, Hank Levin, and Tom Kane. The top-ranked political
scientists were Moe, Peterson, Richard Elmore, Mike Kirst, and Bruce
Fuller. The top-scoring sociologists were Arum, Noguera, Gary Orfield,
Adam Gamoran, and Tony Bryk. Top scorers in the area of teacher
education and curriculum and instruction were Darling-Hammond, Gloria
Ladson-Billings, David Berliner, Ken Zeichner, and Carol Tomlinson.
The emphasis accorded to an established body of work advantages senior
scholars at the expense of junior academics. And, given that the ratings
are a snapshot of 2011, the results obviously favor scholars who
recently penned a successful book or big-impact study this year. But
both of these also accurately reflect how thinkers can
disproportionately impact public discussion--so I'm disinclined to see
problems in such a "bias."
There's also the challenge posed by bloggers like Jay Greene,
Goldrick-Rab, Bruce Baker, and Sherman Dorn, whose own blogging or think
tank critiques mean that they are publishing with great frequency. The
key: the aim was not to measure how much a scholar writes, but how much
resonance their work has. Flagging blog entries and newspaper mentions
in which a scholar is identified by university affiliation here serves a
dual purpose: avoiding confusion caused by common names while also
ensuring that scores aren't unduly padded by a scholar's own blogging
(since those posts generally don't include an affiliation). If bloggers
are provoking discussion, the figures will reflect that. If a scholar is
mentioned sans affiliation, that mention is omitted here; but that's
true across-the-board. If anything, that probably tamps down the scores
of well-known scholars for whom university affiliation may seem
unnecessary. C'est la vie.
If readers want to argue the relevance, construction, reliability, or
validity of the metrics, I'll be happy as a clam. I'm not sure that I've
got the measures right, that categories have been normed in the smartest
ways, or even how much these results can or should tell us. That said, I
think the same can be said about U.S. News college rankings, NFL
quarterback ratings, or international scorecards of human rights. For
all their imperfections, I think such efforts convey real
information--and help to spark useful discussion. That's what I've
sought to do here.
I'd welcome suggestions regarding possible improvements--whether that
entails adding or subtracting metrics, devising smarter approaches to
norming, or what have you. I'd welcome critiques, concerns, questions,
and suggestions. Take a look, and have at it.
Gregory Elacqua
Instituto de Políticas Publicas
Facultad de Economía y Empresa
Universidad Diego Portales
Ejército 260
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