HONG KONG — Corruption can be a somewhat elastic concept, whether it’s an American homeowner slipping the cable guy $20 for some free HBO or a Chinese police chief setting up his twin-sister mistresses in a free apartment.
In Afghanistan, corruption certainly means the disappearance of $900 million from a bank that has been likened to a Ponzi scheme. In Zimbabwe, it could mean hospital nurses charging pregnant women $5 every time they scream in pain, as a kind of false-alarm fee.
Cultural norms can make it difficult to determine which countries have the most honest or most corrupt public sectors, although the annual Corruption Perceptions Index from Transparency International makes for compelling (and sometimes disturbing) reading. The rankings are widely accepted and often referenced by scholars, journalists, business executives and government officials.
In Transparency’s newly published 2012 index, Denmark, Finland and New Zealand tied for first as the cleanest countries. Sweden and Singapore rounded out the top five on the list of 176 nations.
Australia ranked No. 7 over all, with Hong Kong 14th and Japan 17th. The United States was at No. 19, followed by France (22), Spain (30), Taiwan (37) and South Korea (45).
The United States, the report said, ranked lower than many other developed nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, confirming that “Americans believe there are continued transparency and corruption issues in local, state and national government institutions and processes.”
China finished in 80th place on the index, a shade dirtier than Sri Lanka but cleaner than Thailand (88) and India (94). The Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia didn’t even make the top 100.
“Corruption is rampant in this country,” Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the president of Indonesia, told the Antara news agency on Monday. “It is a serious problem, and it hinders the country’s development. We should not tolerate corruption. We should not allow corruption to be a part of our lives.”
Five of the bottom seven on the Transparency index were Asian nations, including North Korea and Afghanistan, both of which tied for last with Somalia. Myanmar, wrestling with historic political and economic reforms, was at No. 172.
Xi Jinping, the newly installed head of the Chinese Communist Party, has already signaled that corruption will be one of the themes of his tenure.
“A mass of facts tells us that if corruption becomes increasingly serious, it will inevitably doom the party and the state. We must be vigilant,” Mr. Xi said in his first speech to the Politburo, as reported by Edward Wong of The New York Times. “In recent years, there have been cases of grave violations of disciplinary rules and laws within the party that have been extremely malign in nature and utterly destructive politically, shocking people to the core.”
Edward noted that Mr. Xi invoked a Chinese saying — “worms come only after matter decays” — to emphasize his point.
President Hu Jintao also warned about the pernicious effects of corruption in a speech at the landmark party congress last month. “If we fail to handle this issue well,” Mr. Hu said, “it could prove fatal to the party, and even cause the collapse of the party and the fall of the state.”
One of the first targets of Mr. Xi’s anticorruption drive — if it can actually be called that — apparently came last week with an investigation of Li Chuncheng, 56, a ranking party official in Sichuan Province.
And on Sunday, a Public Security Bureau chief in northwest China was relieved of duty for “allegedly keeping a pair of twin sisters as mistresses,”according to Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency.
Qi Fang, the police chief in Wusu, has been accused of renting “a high-end apartment unit for the sisters in downtown Wusu” and charging the rent as an official expense.
Elizabeth C. Economy, a China expert and the director for Asia studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, writes that “Xi Jinping has one overriding political mandate: clean up corruption or clear out.”
An excerpt from her piece on the Asia Unbound blog:
Corruption and its manifestations are at the heart of the Party’s greatest challenges: its glaring lack of legitimacy; one hundred eighty thousand mass demonstrations annually by most recent count; and an outflow of money through corruption, crime, and tax evasion as high as $3.72 trillion over the past decade. Is Xi up to the task?
In the past five years alone, over six hundred thousand Party officials have been investigated for “corruption-related activities.” The challenge here is two-fold: the number that should be investigated is probably closer to six million or even sixty million; and the traditional method of attack — simply plucking out corrupt officials one by one from on high — is woefully inadequate to the task at hand.