10 de novembro de 2013

Moon, by Ai Weiwei and Olafur Eliasson, https://moonmoonmoonmoon.com/#sphere

The instant a touch is made, things are set in motion. Make a drawing to reach out and be touched. Drawing together we are drawn together. This is how we make a difference in the world, on micro and macro levels, individually and collectively. Touch the moon by drawing on it – a vision, doodle, statement, a greeting, thought. . . your drawing is a hinge between you, everyone else, and the universe.
By connecting in spaces for imagination – by determining what to share and how to share it – we can create a greater outcome. Through messages and non-verbal communication, in a language unique to each person, the collective work becomes a testament to personal freedom, creativity, and activity.
Celebrate with us the gathering of creative powers from around the globe to mark the passage from nothing to something and from thinking into doing. Savour this moment of transformation. Leave your fingerprint and see the shared moon grow as others reach out too. Let’s show the world that together our marks matter. Creativity defies boundaries.
Ideas, wind, and air no one can stop.
Ai Weiwei and Olafur Eliasson

Ai Weiwei

Ai Weiwei is a Chinese contemporary artist involved in art, design, sculpture, architecture, curating, photography, writing, film, and social, political, and cultural criticism. His activities are mainly focused on freedom of expression and ways to support human rights and social justice.

Olafur Eliasson

Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson (born 1967) is curious about how we perceive the world: How do our thoughts, feelings, and actions co-create our surroundings? Are we aware of this? Do we assume responsibility for the world we share? Eliasson produces installations, sculpture, photography, and film that connect people to each other and the environment. His studio in Berlin, established in the mid 1990s, today employs about seventy craftsmen, architects, technicians, and a research and communications team.


Ai Weiwei and Olafur Eliasson
Studio Olafur Eliasson
Ai Weiwei Studio


Digital Curator:
Marcello Pisu
Creative Direction:
Lucas Werthein
Shahar Zaks
Design and Development:
Jason Aston
Sebastian Buys
Nien Lam
Mindy Tchieu
Moon was launched at the Falling Walls Conference, Berlin, 9 November 2013.
Moon is kindly supported by Sebastian Turner.

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