2 de julho de 2011

Texting Teens: Typing Replaces Talking

Mashable, e

After a close encounter with a texting teen at a busy intersection recently, we wondered: Has texting taken over as the primary form of communication for today’s teens?

We found our answer with this Infographic from Lab 42, which polled 500 social-networking Americans aged 13 to 21.
The headline stat: 71% of the respondents preferred texting to phone calling. But we have our doubts about that self-reported 2% who admit texting while driving, a suspiciously low number.
An additional statistic not included here: An infographic we created last year showed that adults 18 and older text an average of 10 texts per day, and guys 14 to 17 text 30 times per day — but girls 14 to 17 are the biggest texters of all, sending an average of 100 per day.
In some surveys, the overall number is even higher. For instance, according to MSN Money, each American teen sends an average of 3,339 texts per month.
Given the tremendous volume of texting going on, we’re hoping the parents paying for all this ponied up for an unlimited plan. Beyond teen texting, we’re certain we text a lot more than phone calling these days, too. How about you?

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