29 de setembro de 2017

OECD publications

Just published
Education at a Glance 2017: OECD Indicators
This report provides key information on the output of educational institutions; the impact of learning across countries; the financial and human resources invested in education; access, participation and progression in education; and the learning environment and organisation of schools.

OECD Handbook for Internationally Comparative Education Statistics: Concepts, Standards, Definitions and Classifications
This handbook draws methodologies together in a single reference volume, complementing and providing an invaluable aid to  users of Education at a Glance. In doing so, the handbook aims to facilitate a greater understanding of the education statistics and indicators produced and so allow for their more effective use in policy analysis. 
Schools at the Crossroads of Innovation in Cities and Regions
This report serves as the background report to the third Global Education Industry Summit which was held on 25-26 September 2017 in Luxembourg. On the basis of recent OECD analysis, it discusses innovation in education, schools driving progress and well-being in communities, the role of industry and employers in supporting schools and suggests policies towards better ecosystems of learning and innovation.
PISA for Development Assessment and Analytical Framework: Reading, Mathematics and Science
The preliminary version of the PISA for Development Assessment and Analytical Framework presents the conceptual foundations of the PISA for Development project, which consists of both a school-based assessment and an out-of-school assessment.
Country reviews
Building Skills for All in Australia: Policy Insights from the Survey of Adult Skills

Education Policy Outlook: Austria

Education Policy Outlook: Belgium
Briefs and working papers
PISA in Focus
How do schools compensate for socio-economic disadvantage?

Teaching in Focus
How do teachers teach? Insights from teachers and students

PISA for Development Briefs
PISA for Development and the Sustainable Development Goals

OECD Education Working Papers
The “CHARM” Policy Analysis Framework
Evaluation of Policies to Promote Immigrant Students’ Resilience

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