3 de janeiro de 2012

Teens and civility on social media sites

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“I beg your pardon.” “Perhaps I was mistaken.” “Excuse me if I was out of line.”
OK, this probably doesn’t sound like the teenager most us have living under our roof. You know, the one who uses the word “whatever” to mean “yes,” “no” and, “I’m not really listening, Dad.”
But here’s some good news to consider as you grind your teeth over such youthful expressions: According to a new report, most American teens who use social media say they and their contemporaries are mostly kind to one another on those sites. While online bullying is a legitimate concern, this survey indicates that it’s the exception, not the rule.
The report, produced by the Pew Research Center and the Family Online Safety Institute, starts its assessment with the finding that 80 percent of teens who use the Internet are subscribers to social media sites such as Facebook. They log on to their online networking pages to virtually hang out in the same way that previous generations would congregate with friends at a coffee shop or burger joint.
And how do they behave? Sixty-nine percent of these social media-savvy teens think their peers treat one another with respect. Just 20 percent said peers are mostly unkind, and 11 percent gave that parents’ favorite: “It depends.”
So what happened to Mean Girls and cyber bullying? It appears that teenagers are behaving more like we wish adults acted in cyberspace. However, while teens reported civil online communications, many also said they and their peers usually ignore online cruelty and often don’t defend the victims. Others said they’ve even joined in on the cruelty. Ouch. Clearly, we all have a ways to go in online civility.
The fact of the matter is that there is no complete explanation for what’s happening online among teens. Odds are that their cyber-relationships aren’t all that different from their face-to-face interactions: Some are civil and some are really boorish. Even when teens bury their heads in smartphones and computer keyboards, they are rarely anonymous. Chances are, they will be sitting in the same classroom or running the same sports drills with those with whom they interact online.
That’s probably what forces them to feel more accountable and, as a result, more civil. Thus teen responses are probably more tempered than the comments of adults who bask in the anonymity of hurling online insults on news websites and mistake civility for a city in Spain.
While the Pew report is far from a rosy assessment, it appears that kindness and civility aren’t losing ground in the teen world of social media — a pleasant victory for the type of measured restraint this newspaper has advocated for all of us as part of our Civility Challenge.
Yes, the study reflects what teens say they do vs. what they actually might do or experience, but the results still offer hope for a more civil generation of digital citizens whose behavior will follow them into adulthood.
Civility and social media
According to the Pew-Family Online study, here’s what teens who use the Internet reported:
Their peers are mostly kind to each other on social network sites, 69 percent.
They have had an experience that has made them feel good about themselves, 65 percent.
Social media has brought them closer to another person, 58 percent.
They have had a face-to-face argument or confrontation with someone caused by a social media exchange, 25 percent.
They have lost a friendship over social media, 22 percent.
They have gotten into trouble at school due to social media, 6 percent.
SOURCE: Teens, Kindness and Cruelty on Social Network Sites, Pew Research Center and the Family Online Safety Institute, with support from Cable in the Classroom.

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