2 de junho de 2012

Evidence, Methodology, Test-Based Accountability, and Educational Policy: A Scholarly Exchange Between Dr. Eric A. Hanushek and Drs. John Robert Warren and Eric Grodsky


This exchange represents a follow-up to an article on the effects of state high school exit examinations that previously appeared in this journal (Warren, Grodsky, & Kalogrides 2009). That 2009 was article featured prominently in a report by the National Research Council (NRC) that evaluated the efficacy of test-based accountability systems. Hanushek (2012) was highly critical of the NRC’s interpretation of the existing evidence, including Warren, Grodsky, & Kalogrides’ 2009 piece. Here, Warren and Grodsky explain why they believe that Hanushek incorrectly evaluated their original article on state high school exit examinations. Hanushek then responds.

This Article

  1. Educational Policy0895904812447892

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