6 de dezembro de 2012

UNESCO: Data tool shows where children repeat grades or drop out


The number of children enrolled in primary school has risen beyond 90 percent, but the latest UNESCO data reveals that millions are failing to complete school or are dropping out. In 2010, about 32 million primary pupils repeated a grade, and more than 31 million left school and may never return.

Where are the challenges most acute?  To what extent are children slipping through the cracks? These questions can be answered at a glance thanks to an online interactive tool that allows users to explore the latest findings on primary grade repetition and early school leaving.
Using data from the 2012 edition of the Global Education Digest, published by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), the tool gives users a chance to explore, with maps and charts, disaggregated by gender, the challenges children face completing primary school at the global, regional and country levels.
Available in English, French and Spanish, the tool presents the most relevant data for those concerned with the millions of children who are falling through the gaps in education systems.

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