Helping the older victims of cyber attacks

Cyberbullying continues to rear its ugly head for kids navigating the often-treacherous labyrinth of 21st century social networking. While bullies once stalked their prey in the schoolyard, lunchroom and neighborhood alleys, today's victims are more likely to be traumatized by menacing posts to their Facebook account or hateful text messages.

The greatest hurdle facing teens who are cyberbullied is asking for help, said Julius Licata, a psychologist and the director of, an anonymous online resource where teens seeking guidance and support can ask questions and receive confidential advice from a professional counselor.

Many victims fear that the consequences of revealing the bully will be worse than the harassment itself.

To make matters worse, some parents react by demanding that their child deactivate their Facebook account and relinquish their cell phone — logical solutions to keeping a child safe from technological terrorism, but nonetheless punitive to the victims, who are forfeiting privileges through no fault of their own.

Instead, Licata suggests that parents and teachers take immediate steps to protect the victim by contacting local law enforcement authorities, who in many cases can either issue a restraining order or charge the perpetrator with a crime.

Indeed, in the wake of several recent, high-profile cyberbullying-linked suicides, including the death of Rutgers University student Tyler Clementi, whose sexual encounter in his dorm room was secretly filmed by his roommate and posted on the Internet, the U.S. Department of Education recently launched a federal anti-bullying campaign imploring educators and law enforcement officials to make bullying and harassment prevention programs a top priority.

States and communities also are launching efforts. The Junior League of St. Louis is pushing for tougher laws in Missouri to make online harassment and abusive text messaging a criminal offense.

Susan Schenberg, a member of the league's state legislative issues committee, said the effort was prompted by the 2006 suicide of Missouri teen Megan Meier. The suicide was attributed to cyberbullying on the MySpace Web site.

"Kids aren't protected from cyberbullying, even when they're in their own bedrooms," Schenberg said. "It is 24/7, kids saying things to one another online that are really hurtful, and that they'd never say to one another face to face."

"Society has to teach people the consequences that their behavior has on an innocent person," Licata said. "The bully's parents are also guilty of not being aware of what their children are doing. You might be working two jobs, but you still need to be available to your children."

Helping older victims

Here are tips to parents with older teens caught in the cross hairs of a cyberbully.

Demand a zero tolerance policy for cyberbullying at your child's school district: "(It) should have clearly defined disciplinary action for four to five different levels of cyberbullying," says Diane Kerckhoff, a member of the Junior League of St. Louis' state legislative issues committee. "The actions could range from a phone call home to parents for minor cyberbullying, suspension from school for more serious harassment, all the way up to expulsion in the most extreme cases. Schools should also draft policies that call for mandatory law enforcement action in the worst cases, which demands that school districts report these incidents to the local police."

Enlist local law enforcement: Parents with high school and college-age children should alert local law enforcement to severe cases of cyberbullying. But keep in mind that once children reach legal age (which varies by state) they will have to agree to pressing charges or taking legal action — for example, filing a temporary restraining order prohibiting a cyberbully from harassment through electronic communication.

Provide unconditional love and support: Older teens can be reluctant to confide to parents about frightening and humiliating harassment they are experiencing on social networking sites. "Don't be forceful, but let your kids know you are available to talk any time if they are experiencing any kind of cyberbullying," said psychologist Julius Licata. "Let them know that cyberbullying can be stopped, that you support and love them, and that together, (you) can get through this."

— K.A.C.