14 de abril de 2011

Education in the USA

Center on Education Policy

Get the Federal Government Out of Education? That Wasn't theFounding Fathers' Vision
This paper, which is a more extensive version of Jack Jennings’ February 2011 Huffington Post blog, tracks the federal government’s involvement in education through the course of American history, and argues that this involvement must continue. Included with the report are two supplemental papers discussing in more detail two aspects of federal involvement that are highlighted in the paper: special provisions written into the U.S. tax code that provide substantial indirect financial support for public education, and the federal land grants given to states for the support of public schools.  PDFs of states’ original enabling acts establishing their land grants are also available.   The three reports and the PDFs of the enabling acts are posted on the CEP Web site (www.cep-dc.org) under “What’s New” and can be downloaded free-of-charge.
Get the Federal Government Out of Education? That Wasn't the Foundation Fathers' Vision:http://www.cep-dc.org/cfcontent_file.cfm?Attachment=Jennings%5FPaper%5FGetTheFedsOutOfEducation%5F041311%2Epdf

How Public Education Benefits From the Tax Code: http://www.cep-dc.org/cfcontent_file.cfm?Attachment=Riddle%5FPaper%5FTaxExpenditures%5F41311%2Epdf

Public Schools and the Original Federal Land Grants:http://www.cep-dc.org/cfcontent_file.cfm?Attachment=Usher%5FPaper%5FFederalLandGrants%5F041311%2Epdf

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